zwhs mEâ fydrlï l;djZ
.kqfokqjla u.yeßh
ug uv .ykak lrmq jevla
- il=rd meyeÈ,s lrhs
whsmEâ fidrlfï .sh ksrEmsldj ms<sn| mqj;g wod< we;a; l;dj úia;rjQ l;djg fjkia tlla nj tu isoaêhg uqyqK mE 21 yeúßÈ ;reKsh jk il=rd fi!uHd l=udß meyeÈ,s lrkq ,enqjd'
fï .ek uq,ska jd¾;djQfha Èkl fuu ielldßh fld,a¨msáfha fl%ialeÜ idmamq ixlS¾Kfha idmamqjlg oekaùula ,nd.ekSug wjYH nj mjid f.dia tys whs;slre we;=<g .sh fõ,dfõ Tyqf.a whsmEâ tl fidrlï lr we;s njh'
kuq;a il=rd fi!uHd l=udß mjikafka weh tu whs mEâ tl whs;slre bÈßmsg Tyq ±kqj;aj t;ekska /f.k wd nj;a Tyq ;udg isÿ l< uqo,a fkdf.ùula iïnkaOj wemhg th ,nd.;af;a tu uqo,a kej; ÿka miq whsmEâ tl ndrfok woyiska nj;ah'
zuu we;a;gu ksrEmsldjla fkfuhs' W;aij j,g ksrEmsldjka imhk flfkla'
iris l%sfhaIkaia lsh, fudv,a nEkala tlla ;shkjd' óg udi ;=klg l,ska wfjdâ firuks tlla ;sín tal Th lshk jHdmdßlhd ;ud ixúOdkh lf<a' talg wfmka fudv,aia, b,a,, ;sín' idudkHfhka wmsg óg l,ska jev §, ;shk úYajdfia u; lg jpfkg iuyrekag fudv,aia,j imhk wjia:d ;sfhkj' wms ta jHdmdßlhg;a ta jpfk úYajdfi ;sh, firuks tlg fudv,aia, ÿkakd' tafl fmaukaÜ tl thd ug fok tl äf,a jqKd' ux ta .ek lsõj;a i;mylgj;a .Kka .ka ke;sj u. weßhd'udi ;=ky;rla .sh;a ,enqfk kE' fl%iaÜ leÜ tfla fjÉp fohla fkfuhs fïl' fl%iaÜ leÜ tfla fï jHdmdßlhdg ;shkj T*Sia tlla'isoaêh fjÉp ojfi thd ;j ierhla uf.ka fudv,aia, b,a¨jd'ux ;=kafofkla tlal t;ekg .shd' kuq;a fudv,aia, ta jefâ lrkak wlue;s fj,d msgfj, .shd' Bg miafi ux th;a tlal .kqfokqj .ek wdfh;a weyqj'thd i,a,s ÿka kE' ux thdg lsh, thd bÈßmsgÈu whs mEâ tl wr.;a;d' tal wdfh;a fokafk uqo,a ÿkaku lsh,' thd ta fj,dfj uql=;a lsõfj kE' ux tal wrf.k wdjd' miafi ug flda,a lr, lsõj wdfh;a tal fokak lsh,'ux .Kka .;af; kE' fudlo ug uqo,a fkd§ ;sfhoaÈ ux tal ÿkafkd;a uf.;a fudavlu'fldfyduyß Bg miafi fmd,sisfh meñKs,s lr, ;sífn uu thdf.ka tal fydfrka wrf.k wdjd lsh, ;ud' uu fu;ek jrola lr, kE' uf.a kS;S{hska fï ldrKdj Widúfha§ lsõj' ug thdf.ka uqo,a ,efnkak ;sfhoaÈ fkd§ b|,d ±ka thd udj fydfrla lrkak yokjd'Z
isoaêh iïnkaO fmr jd¾;dj my;ska
-------------------------fmnrjdß 1----------------------
whs mEâ fydrlfï .sh ksrEmsldj fl%ialeÜ tfla§ udÜgq
remsh,a wiQmkaoyila jákd whsmEâ tlla fidrlï lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ksrEmsldjl w;awvx.=jg m;aj Bfha wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l<d'
il=rd fi!uHd l=udß nKavdrkdhl kue;s weh Èjhsfka m%Odk ldka;d mdi,l bf.kSu wjika lr ;ju ál ld,hls' uykqjr .ïm<d; fldg.;a weh fjf<| ±kaùï yd ksrEmKh ms<sn| /lshdjl ksr;ù we;' fuu fidrlu lr we;af;a fld,a¨msáfha fl%ialeÜ idmamq ixlS¾Kfha we;s fudkdÉÑ yjqia kue;s idmamqfjks'
bl=;a ckjdß ui 12 Èk fuu ielldßh fudkdÉÑ yjqia wdh;khg oekaùula ,nd .ekSug wjYH nj mjid f.dia we;s w;r miqj tys whs;slre weh iu. idlÉPd lrñka isák w;r ;=r állska Tyq tu fjf<| wdh;kfha we;=<g .sh fõ,dfõ Tyqf.a whsmEâ tl fidrlï lr we;'
fï njg Tyq úiska fld,aÆmsáh fmd,sishg meñKs,s lsÍfuka wk;=rej ielldßh w;awvx.=jg f.k fldgqj wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miq ielldßh je/Èldßh nj ms<s.;a;d'
fldgqj wêlrKfha§ jro ms<s.;a ksrEmsldjlg o~qjï kshu lsÍu fldgqj ufyia;%d;a lksIal úfÊr;ak uy;d úiska ud¾;= 7 Èkg l,a ;nk ,enqjd'
‘ The ipad stealing story’. To evade paying for a transaction the businessman wanted to sling mud at me
-Sakura explains it clearly
In response to the story that was published in our web site yesterday about the iPad stealing story the 21 year old modeler Sakura Saumya kumari contacted us over the phone and explained the correct story of stealing the ipad.
It was reported initially that when this modeler had gone to meet the owner of the shop housed in the Criscat shopping complex in Kollupitiya to negotiate terms for a commercial, the modeler had stolen the ipad of the owner from his office room. However the story is contrasting. She had taken the ipad in front of the owner as a security for the non payment of a fee due to her and on the understating that it would be returned upon the payment due to her by the owner of the shop.
She confessed in the following manner.
"I am not a modeller. I have a model bank who supplies models for functions. Three months back there was a famous awards ceremony. The owner of this shop organised the ceremony. He wanted me to supply models for this ceremony. I had on previous occasions had supplied models to him and had gained confidence in him. Hence I supplied the models for his request without any advance payments, having faith in him. He delayed the payment due to me. When I reminded about the payment he did not take any notice of my requests.
The period became almost three months. He has no shop in his name at Criscat shopping complex. He has only a small office within the shopping complex for this businessman. On the day of the incident he requested three models from me. I took the three models to his office. The models that I took were not happy and they left his office. Then I inquired from him about the payment that was due. He never obliged me with the payment which was pending. With his knowledge I took his ipad from his table. Then he called me and requested to return the ipad. I never took notice of his request as he owed me money.
Later he had lodged a complaint in the Police station that I robbed his iPad I had not done anything wrong. My lawyers explained this stand in courts. Instead of paying my charges he is trying me to classify me as a thief.”
The article published in our web site in the 1st of February under the caption modeller caught at ‘Criscat’ for an ipad
theft could be read from HERE:
The model who made an ipad theft nabbed at Crescat
An ipad valued at Rs 85,000/-(Rupees eighty five thousand) which was stolen by a model had been nabbed and produced before courts. The model is Sakura Saumya Kumari Bandaranayake is a recent school leaver from one of popular Colombo schools. She is from Gampola in the Kandy District, had been involved in appearing in commercials and modelling activities as her profession.
She had robbed this i pad from the Kollupitiya shopping complex ‘Crescat’ from a shop called ‘Monachchi House’.On the 12th of last month she had gone to the shop to discuss about a commercial advertisement. She has had a discussion with the owner in his room from where she had robbed his ipad.
The owner had complained about this theft to the Kollupitiya Police. When she was located and questioned she had admitted about the theft and had been produced to courts. The Fort Magistrate Kanishka Wijeratna as she had admitted about steeling the iPad had ordered her to appear in courts on the 7th March to hear the case further.
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