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Monday, December 26, 2011

2011 AL Results Jokes

iuyrekag f.%aâ È, ;sfhkafka tïiSlsõ ,l=Kqj,ska ú;rhs
iuyr wd¾Ü lrmq whg ueÜia m%;sM, oS,d

Èia;%sla-whs,kaâ ?kala muKla fkdj
bfiâ w.h;a jerÈ njg fpdaokd

Wiia fm< m%;sM, úys¿

Wiia fm< m%;sM, ,ndfok nj uq,skau rch lsõfõ foieïn¾ uq,h’ fïksid úfoaY.;jkakg mqyqKqùï i|yd hkakg wdoS úúO wjYH;d i|yd iQodkñka isá isiqisiqúhka ish Ôú; ie,iqï ta wkqj ilia lrf.k ;snqKd’

kuq;a YsIH;aj m%;sM, Èk úis .Kklska ,ndoS f,dal jd¾;d ;enQ fomd¾;fïka;=j fï Wiiafm< m%;sM,h fõ,djg fokakg neß nj lshd isáfha bfiâ w.hka ;SrKh lrk lñgqfõ lïue,slug fpdaokd lrñks’
wmg yß w.hka fokjkï meh 48ka fokak mq¿jka f,i flduidßiajrhd jrla fojrla lshd isáhd’ md¾,sfïka;=fõoS fï .ek weiQ úg tiaî weu;sjrhd lsõfõ m%Yakhla kE ,nk i÷od fokjd f,isks’ kuq;a taiu.u ,nk i÷od nE ;du wmg úia;r wdfj kE wdoS jYfhka W;a;r nekafoa flduidßiajrhdh’

flfia fyda ckm;sf.a úfYaI ueÈy;aùu u; k;a;,a ojfia úNd. m%;sM, ,ndoSug lghq;= lrk nj 24 jkod jd¾;d jqKd’ fï ksidfoda 24 jkod t<sjk;=re fomd¾;fïka;=j fï .ek jev lr ;snqK w;r miqod oj,a úÿy,am;sjrer wdj;a ysia w;ska hkakg isÿjQfha iji 6g;a th iQodkï fkdjQ neúks’wk;=rej 25 jkod ? jk;=re m%udoù wjidkfha wjq,a cd,hla ueoafoa yÈishg wdmam mqÉpkakdlafuka ? tfld<yg muK m%;sM, msg flreKd’

kuq;a ? ;siafia m%;sM, wka;¾cd,fhka fidhd ne,Q isiqkag ;uka okakd w÷kk whf.;a ;udf.a;a ?kala fpla lroaoS woy.kakg wudre foa isÿj we;s nj fmkS .shd’

fyd| m%;sM,g wvq ?kala krl m%;sM, j,g jeä ?kala
fuu nrm;, ;;ajh ;=< fyd| m%;sM,g wvq ?kala iy krl m%;sM, j,g jeä ?kala we;ehs isiqka fpdaokd lrkjd’ bfiâ w.ho m%YakldÍ nj iuyre fmkajd fokjd’ ;j;a iuyreka fmkajd fokafka ;ukaf.a nyqjrK m%Yak m;%j, m%;sM,h muKla ishfhka n,d ,l=KqoS we;s njh’

vhf,d.a ?kala tlhs fudìfg,a ?kala tlhs foúÈyla
tia tï tia udOHfhka m%;sM, úuid isá we;eï isiqkag vhf,d.a ?kala tlhs fudìfg,a ?kala tlhs folla ,enqK njo jd¾;d ù ;snqKd’ Tjqka o;a; .nvd follska m%;sM, ,ndfokafka flfiao hkak ta wkqj ielhg Ndckh jkjd’

weu;sjrhd ljqo@
úNd. fomd¾;fïka;= fjí wvúhg wkqj wod< weu;sjrhd nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Okhkah’ kuq;a m%;sM, m%udoh yd m%Yak .ek l;d lrkafka Wiia wOHdmk weu;s tia îh’
fu;rï nrm;, .eg¨ ;sìhoS fï ms<sn| j.lSula .kakg lsisfjl= fkdisàuo fÄokSh ;;ajhls’

my; m<jkafka f.disma ,xld ksjqia fj; Bfï,a ud¾.fhka m%;sM, fodaI okajd tjQ lsysmfofkl=f.a m%Yak j, iïmskavkhls’

wxl 1 bfiâ w.h iïnkaO .eg¨jla
Index no-1216651
Subject Grade
District Rank -
Island Rank -
Z - Score .4599
thatz can't be one of friend has same resultz.but her distric rank is 457 &z-zcor is 0.9854.
i have problem about my results.wxl 2 m%;sM, iïnkaO .eg¨jla
1490613 me index number eka thiyena kenata AAF.meka wenna beh.mage yaluwek ge ekak.

wxl 3 m%;sM, iïnkaO .eg¨jla
I am sending this mail on behalf of my sister who sat foe this examination in Matara Distric.We are very poor family and this is the only way to get rid of situation. We need not the sympathy but the justice.My sister correcty marked MCQ paper as BIO-50,Phy-36,Chemistry-42 and she got the result as Biology -C,Chemistry-C and Physics-F.She is well confident that the written paper also done very well. Therefore the result cannot be trusted. At that moment government website ( has announced that there will be no change in result expect district ranking. we are not affordable to go for court and seek justice. what we can do only writing to persons like you and got this matter in to public nature. We are very grateful to you if you become our voice to urge the government to consider a fruitful re-correction.

wxl 4 m%;sM, iïnkaO .eg¨jla
students who rank in all the exams a been mentally down due to the present results.... so we suggest you all to re-correct all the papers of MATHS and COMMERCE stream....its been relay a terrible situation so we have to report on such immense situation....pls recheck  the relevant stream papers.....

wxl 5 m%;sM, iïnkaO .eg¨jla
uu IT ECON iy STAT lf¾' uf.a MCQ 50 ka 48la yß' kuq;a uf.a STATm%;sM,h B  IT B iy ECON A kuq;a uu Èia;%sla 13 ,xldfõ 136' fuh woyd .ekSug fkdyels m%;sM,hla

wxl 6 ?kla iïnkaO .eg¨jla
my name is dinuka and i studied in ds senanayeka college. my result is -BCC. I was hoping for a A pass for maths but i got C instead. and one of my friend got 3C and his rank was so much higher than index no- 1041878

wxl 7 m%;sM, iïnkaO .eg¨jla
I did A/L in 2010... I got
English - C
Econ - S
Business studies - F
Accounting - F
And this time I studied very very hard.Business studies paper was very
very easy and Econ paper as well.I surly thought that I will get B or
A result for Business studies and Econ,because I studied day and night
to get through this exam... but in this 2011 A/L exam also I've got
English - C
Econ - S
Business studies - F
Accounting - F
I mean how can I believe?? I know how I wrote my exam... my friends
have got the same results that they got in 2010 exam...We spent
365days for this exam.. And we sacrifice ton of things for this.. :' (

wxl 8 m%;sM, yd bfiâ w.h iïnkaO .eg¨jla
i got 3 A s for my exam but my Z score is 2.00,,,
and same time my friend has 3 A s and Z score 2.4
interesting thing is we  analyzed our MCQ and essay papers according to marking scheme...and i have more marks for all 3 MCQ papers nearly 5 out 50, and essay questions i did all 4 very well and he has done only 3 but according both of us .....our Z scores cant be like this...he also appritiate what i m telling u....i want to know what was the problem and what happened to our Z scores during 2011 examination............????????

wxl 9 r;akmqr isiqka fofofkl=f.a m%;sM,

wxl 10 uykqjr isiqka fofofkl=f.a m%;sM,

I happened to know below 2 results, which is from Kandy district, for the Art stream. The 2 students ranked 799 and 800. But see below the huge gap between their results (they have z-scores .3887 and 1.1894 respectively). They have followed different syllabus, it could be given as the answer for this difference. Also notice the island rank of these two, its just crazy. But obviously this ranking is totally not fair.

wxl 11 wd¾Üia lr, ueÜia m%;sM, weú,a,

This is another new story with 2011 A/L results….
There was a girl studied at   Holy Family Convent at Gampaha.
She set for the exam for the following subjects under index number 1195964;

1. Political science
2. Information Technology
But she got the results for PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, and COMBINED MATHEMATICS etc.

Source :

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